
Strings marked OPTISTRINGS belong to a new generation of strings with a longer life, while maintaining natural surface properties and a pleasant feeling of play.

Strings marked OPTISTRINGS (SIRIUS® PB, SIRIUS® Gold, Guitar-banjo) belong to a new generation of strings with a longer life, while maintaining natural surface properties and a pleasant feeling of play.

The strings surface is protected using a unique GOR-NanoCapsuleSystem. The strings are then protected by an effective nanophilm against the negative effects of alkaline environment and oxidation.

Now it is up to every musician to star and compare and evaluate the ratio of its utility properties and prices with similar strings on the market from foreign manufacturers.



Bohumil Gorčík
IČ: 42673828
DIČ: CZ520410336

Vápenice 1
687 74 Starý Hrozenkov
Česká republika

Copyright © GORSTRINGS

Made in Czech Republic